Chicago office shareholder Terrence Guolee recently assisted a major financial institution in resolving a pre-suit claim that one of its analysts died as a result of a Cocaine overdose at what was alleged to have been a firm social outing.
Among other claims, counsel for the surviving family members of the deceased analyst brought forward claims under the Illinois Drug Dealer Liability Act, 740 Ill. Comp. Stat. ยง 57 et seq. - a statute with very little in the way of case authority. In short, it was alleged that the deceased analyst was provided drugs by his co-workers and used drugs in order to keep up with the long hours connected to being a young analyst
Despite an initial demand by the family of $15 million claiming the analyst died as a result of a "drug-fueled workplace" and overbearing workhours, Terrence was able to quickly complete multiple interviews of potential witnesses and posture the claim for a settlement conference, where the case was resolved for less than potential defense fees. Terrence was also able to compel the claimants to agree to confidentialty provisions that will protect Terrence's client from unfavorable press - even though the allegations were strongly denied.